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Believers Never Die Zip Fall Out Boy

While they've tackled a number of genres, the band's most popular and acclaimed work falls pretty squarely under pop punk, and they are considered one of the most influential bands in the genre of their time. They're also regularly considered as one third of "the Holy Emo Trinity"note a moniker generally applied and agreed upon by younger fans on social media alongside Panic! at the Disco and My Chemical Romance, but whether or not they can be classified as emo depends on your definition of emo.note They might not define themselves as such anymore, and the influence they took from early emo acts like Braid are all but gone from Folie A Deux onward, but since when has that ever stopped anybody from trying?

believers never die zip fall out boy

WOW! I can remember the 1st time I went to Cubberly to see the man on the radio. We must remember that we must focus on the fact that we are right with God through his son and the that we must continually abide in the light, we as beleivers must not leave the light or we will fall prey to the enemy. Paul Shepherd is a man who seeks Gods will I assure you this is true. But he is also just a man, I to have struggled with sexual sin in my life as a married man and it's a tough spot to be in. I'm sure he has repented and I know that he has been forgiven, please be cautious not to judge because the enemy has a plan to destroy everything in pastor Pauls path and the path of ALCF but our God is a mighty God and his will shal be done. Beleivers stay strong, non beleivers seek and you shall find!

Abundant Life has always been superficial, and they've always taken sin lightly and the Bible lightly. Many of us left Abundant Life...because we could see this coming. (Abundant Life has never abided by Matthew 18:15-17, Biblical Church Discipline, Jesus's first command for dealing with sin in His church.) Those that would support someone in sexual sin leading a church afterwards, obviously are weak in the Bible again: God forbids it. Our church leaders are to be examples. I pray for Mrs. Sheppard; she is such a lovely, generous woman.

Love is needed most in the difficult and dark times. I am one small part of the Body of Christ who is praying for Pastor Paul, his precious wife and family, the ALCF church and all believers. I pray that he goes through a godly time of discipline, restoration and strengthening and that we see Pastor Paul on the other side of "Lessons from a Moral Failure." May Christians everywhere arm themselves for battle, pray and stand in the gap for our leaders, our families, our churches, our communities and those who don't know Christ. This is war!

Just another moral failure from "Tiger Woods" and company. My point is Tiger is no better or worse than Sheppard. This is why we must never judge others. Because "ALL" have sinned and "DO CONTINUE TO SIN", and Consistently Fall Short of God's Glory. I pray for Sheppard and for Tiger, but I wonder how many people feel like Sheppard (in his sin) is "BETTER" than Tiger ( in his sin). YOu see how weak and stupid humans are? Thank God for His Savior who redeemed us from the "curse of the law"...

As we all know as bible believing christians, we have all fallen short of the standard and no man or woman is perfect...The devil is busy at work destroying the lives of believers as end times near...I believe Pastor Paul is a great man and needs our prayers at this difficult time...I was extremely saddened at hearing the news yesterday, but I hope and pray that God has mercy on him and returns him back to Abundant Life where he truly belongs...God Bless Pastor Paul and his family.

I've been a member of Abundant life for 2.3 years. It's truly a difficult situation for all but we need to pray to God to give us all strenght and rather than falling apart coming together as a community even stronger. It is easy to judge and humiliate than to take a step back and continue loving, caring and praying for our love ones. I love Pastor Paul, he has being gifted by our father to touch millions of people's heart through his ministry. Let's all pray for him and his family! This are difficult times and it's a sign that the devil it's getting busy trying to destroy the things and people that God touches.

I have not gone to Abundant Life in over a year, but I will never forget a service that Pastor Paul gave. I remember him talking about himself being a "Man." A "man of the flesh," and because of that he too can fall like any other man. I remember how he gave a service on King David and how God forgave him, because he was a man of his own heart. The reason why I am writing this is because Pastor Paul is of the flesh and we often forget that, because we hold him to a higher standard. All of us have fallen & all of us are sinners, so I pray that this lesson will not cause a break the church or take a great a toll on Pastor Paul's hard work. May God give him the wisdom to move on, and through God's grace forgive him. My prayers go out to Pastor Paul and to his family. God forgives and so should we!

This was quite a shocking revelation, as sin is on many occasions. No one expects to "fall" into a sinful situation, but we are hum,an and subject to many. We have one judge, who will judge every one of us on judgment day. That is who Pastor Paul is answering to and whom will restore him to His place in ministry. We have a faithful, able and mighty God who allows situations to happen so that we stand. This, no doubt, is a test of faith in God for all who listen by radio, conference or are able to attend Pastor Paul's church. God can work in and through all things, for such a time as this, that we might be able to stand. God will take care of the sins the world has committed and every one of us is with sin of some kind. The Bible says that there is no sin uncommon to man - none. We are all tempted in the same way - by the world, by satan and our flesh. God has a purpose and plan for Pastor Paul, his family as well as the congregation at Abundant Life. You are all in my prayers.

I listen to Paul Shepperd every day for the past 3 1/2 years since I've accepted Jesus as my savior. I'm very sorry to here what has happened and will pray everyday for Pastor Paul and his family. I hope he gets restored and raise with his head high, the devil is a dirty trickster, and sadly great men of God fall, but Pastor Paul, get up, wipe the dust off, and lets get going! If they don't want you in Georgia, we love you here in Texas! Lets pray for Pastor Paul, and remember, who of us is without sin? Read Mat 7: 1-5God Bless you all, now I do believe the end is getting near. Amen.

You're all missing the point...this is about living! Pastor, his wife, and his family, have to figure out how to live their lives in light of God's standard.I'm glad that truth has stepped in to their lives to relieve the pressured sepsis of "moral failure," so that we can watch the truth of God's living Word, and living Church, lovingly help them through these times. As for the atheist comment, there is no hypocrisy all have fallen short of the glory of God. That said, God never changes! We're all figuring how to live our lives out in a time when all (and I mean, ALL) around us is falling apart - our government, our state, our education, our safety, and yes, our leaders. And yet, there's hope! As we come upon the reason for Christmas, Christ came so that we may be forgiven of our moral, character, and ethical failures, to be individually empowered to fight off sin (which includes self-righteousness) while successfully loving our neighbors, resulting in living with other saints eternally with God. Again, it's about living ;-)

I have looked forward to 2:30 pm every week day to listen to Pastor Paul. Not because his message is unique; rather, it is a very pure scriptural message. What is unique is his presentation. He was blessed with the gift of communication. He can clearly explain both the simple AND complex issues found simultaneously within most Biblical principles. Plus, he can do this in a down-to earth and entertaining (yet respectful) manner. Also, he makes the connections between the scriptual ideas and practical application. Of course he has to step down. As a pastor he is held to a higher standard (not that "moral failure" is excusable with anyone). But, the goal should be reconciliation--with his wife, family, congregation, and, most importantly, with God. We are all sinners,including all Christians, whose only advantage over unbelievers is our desire to not be driven by our sinful nature, even as we sin.

I think you mean you welcome a conversation on religion, so long as religion cannot be criticized... which is of course not a conversation on religion at all (or at least a very one-sided one). Of course atheists and atheism are subject to your harsh and bitter criticism, and that is indeed an entertaining double-standard, which just goes to demonstrate the very hypocrisy in question.I'm not intolerant of religion or religionists. I am, however, rabidly and unapologetically intolerant of hypocrisy and hypocrites who presume to want to tell me how to live, judge me, criticize me, and level all kinds of unfounded accusations and lies about me, while writing themselves a free pass to behave in whatever deplorable manner they like because they're "only human" and "fallible."Is it too much to ask to either apply the same standard to everyone, or, failing that, not presume to judge others in the first place?

Here is a news flash for you stone throwers: God loves sinners Deal with it!If you are saved, you are saved by grace I love Pastor Paul with all my heart. The church MUST pray for its leaders, they are on the front lines. We wanted Pastor Paul to help us with all our issues but we never took the time to see where we could pray for his issues. The wicked people out there just want to see people fall. Just like satan does. PRAY FOR PASTOR PAUL AND HIS FAMILY. Stop trying to tear others down - that is an evil thing to do. 2ff7e9595c

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